Have you ever noticed that many pet owners have hair styles that coordinate or match their dog’s hair style? If you haven’t and get the chance, take a good look. But it seems the longer a pet and their owner is together the more they begin to resemble each other. Now this doesn’t mean coordinating outfits. That happens a lot. But I mean hair styles on the women that own the pets. If she owns an apricot poodle with a heavy fringe then she is liable to have a hair style that is frizzy with a heavy fringe of bangs. An owner of a Papillion, a small slender spaniel breed, will have slightly wavy longish brown hair that seems to match the dog’s coat. But it is mostly poodles that the owners’ hair styles match. Often you will see a grey schnauzer with sleek body hair and heavy eyebrows. The owner will have bangs that match the brows and the hair is grey and slightly rippled or wavy. Other owners pick their dogs it seems by hair length. If they have long hair then the dog tends to have long hair. The same is true for owners with short hair; their dog tends to have short hair. There is probably no real basis to this but if you do observe a gathering of dogs like in a dog park or a show, it may strike you that there is a similarity between a dogs looks and their owner’s hair styles.
Photos Copyright of PR PHOTOS
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