Emo music is a kind of rock music and can be compared to indie rock. It has emerged as a new variation to 80’s and 90’s rock music. This music is more melodic and rhythmic and along with it creates less chaos. It is also known as “emotionally charged rock music”
Bands like Embrace; Fire Party gave a bad name to emo music. Emo music includes shouting, crying and outpouring of feelings. This music contains lyrics which are theatrical and felt from heart. Lyrics of emo music are often associated with social issues such as drug use, depression etc. That is why teenagers love emo music and have a different kind of attitude and fashion that personifies lifestyle of emo bands. There are thousands of emo fans that live, breath emo all over the world.
In general emo music portrays friendship. Emo music shows a new direction of living to youth and encourages them to be more expressive. They don’t have to suffer from the problem to pent up harsh feelings towards society. The themes of the songs create circles in combination of genres of anxiety, burden and negative view about life of teens.
Many people think that emo music is a cult but no matter what people think about them they want this music to flourish to its peak.
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