Emo as part of our CommunityI have a cousin who
dresses like emo and is
an emo. How do I know? Once, I asked him, “Why are you dressed like that?” and he said that he was
dressed like that to depict that he is indeed an emo. The first feeling that came through me was the feeling of nervousness.
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Why? I was nervous because when some people say emo, it means that they are the ones who are
cutting themselves when they have problems.
Emos are the ones who have the tendency to kill themselves when he/she has a problem. Aside from feeling nervous, I also felt worried because I didn’t expect that one of my cousins, a family member, will be an emo.
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Then I asked him, “Why are
you emo? Are you aware how society interprets your styles?” He just said that it is his way of showing himself, because of how he dresses his companions accepts who he is. He is accepted by his peers because of his style. I think he felt insulted when I asked that
question so I just let him be after that question. Yes, indeed they may have a bad reputation to some of us, but they are becoming a part of our community. We should just accept them and support them for who they are.