Bridesmaid Hairstyle for All the Bridesmaids
It will soon be your wedding day and you have decided on your bridesmaids, their dresses and their shoes, but what about their hair style? You probably have thought a lot about your hair style but perhaps not your bridesmaids’ hair style.
You certainly don’t want to dictate a hairstyle to your bridesmaids. That is not a good idea. However you could make some suggestions that they certainly will give some thought to. If all of your bridesmaids have about the same length hair, and this is a possibility, then you could suggest they all wear an up do or a down do. Or even a combination of both.
But it is more likely that your bridesmaids will all have different hair lengths. If that is the case, then you really can’t have them all wear a similar hair style. But you do want them to all have a similar appearance so you could have them wear matching sparkly hair clips or flowers caught up in their hair. You don’t want them to have to be worrying whether their hair is going to fall down or that pins will come flying out of it. So try to keep their hair style simple. If they are wearing it up, make sure they have used lots of hair spray so it is a controlled hair style.
Ideally you want them to look pretty and not clash with you. It is your special wedding day and they are all happy for you.
Accessorizing Your Hair with Class
Accessorizing Your Hair with Class
You’ve seen those women. The kind that have so many barrettes, pony tail holders, clips and bows in their hair that you can’t see the actual hair. Unfortunately, sometimes women feel as if their hair just isn’t pretty unless it is decorated as much as possible. When accessorizing your hair, there are a few rules that are important to remember so that you look elegant and classy rather than gaudy and child-like. Think about it – children love to over-decorate their hair, right? It’s just not pretty on adults.
DON’T overdo it on the hair accessories. Whether you are using glue-in sparkles and glitter or just small hair holding clips, it is important to find out what is tasteful and what is too much. A few colorful clips for a fun occasion, or a few glue-in sparkles for a night on the town may be elegant and tasteful, but anything more than that and it’s important to consider how much is too much. DO find other ways to hold your hair into place. One of the biggest reasons women overdo it on hair clips is that they have small wisps of hair that need to be held into place, and think this is a colorful and fun way to do it. Unless you have fewer than a few wisps, however, try using bobby pins that match the color of your hair to hold it in place without being conspicuously bright and gaudy. Following these few tips can help you greatly in accessorizing your hair with class and elegance.
You’ve seen those women. The kind that have so many barrettes, pony tail holders, clips and bows in their hair that you can’t see the actual hair. Unfortunately, sometimes women feel as if their hair just isn’t pretty unless it is decorated as much as possible. When accessorizing your hair, there are a few rules that are important to remember so that you look elegant and classy rather than gaudy and child-like. Think about it – children love to over-decorate their hair, right? It’s just not pretty on adults.
DON’T overdo it on the hair accessories. Whether you are using glue-in sparkles and glitter or just small hair holding clips, it is important to find out what is tasteful and what is too much. A few colorful clips for a fun occasion, or a few glue-in sparkles for a night on the town may be elegant and tasteful, but anything more than that and it’s important to consider how much is too much. DO find other ways to hold your hair into place. One of the biggest reasons women overdo it on hair clips is that they have small wisps of hair that need to be held into place, and think this is a colorful and fun way to do it. Unless you have fewer than a few wisps, however, try using bobby pins that match the color of your hair to hold it in place without being conspicuously bright and gaudy. Following these few tips can help you greatly in accessorizing your hair with class and elegance.
Fascination For Curly Hair 2010

Fascination For Curly Hair 2010
People have a fascination for curly hair and the ones who have naturally curly hair prefer to straighten them up. But in both cases the hair can be given a natural curly look for both long as well as short tresses. There are different ways to make the curls look beautiful, natural and classy. The only problem with choosing to curl the hair is that they may develop split ends and also get damaged in the long run. This is when the hair calls for extra attention and care.
Ladies can choose different types of curly hairstyles such as short curly hairstyles, medium hairstyles and also long curls. Some of the short curls are also known as the short loose curls that are just short enough up to the ears adding more beauty to the feminine elegance. Whereas the longer bouncy curls fall loose over the shoulders half-way down to the waist. The light and wavy curls are just not too curly but given a slight wavy curve to the hair strands which look a lot frizzy. When making your hair look frizzy it is important to use a frizz control product.
The long curly hair locks are one fascination among celebrities. The internet is full of pictures of celebrity hairstyles and you can find many women celebrities choosing to curl their hairs. Some of the long wavy curls don’t look too curly but they add a definition of class to their personalities. The long thick curls look all the more gracious when women with straight hair choose to add some wavy look. The loose ends are curled up into locks and allowed to fall neatly over the shoulders. Some celebrities add light bends and curls to their hairstyles which are found to be absolutely tempting to the eyes. The lustrous hair can be curled up in so many different ways that one cannot help but stare in awe and admiration.
Tips for Emo Makeup
Tips for emo makeup
The older generation tends to get a shock when they hear about the Emo makeup. Nevertheless, this is a sort of lifestyle that is highly popular with the younger generation. The emo style is very loud as many people think that the people who are into this lifestyle have just the opposite personality in them. This is why they put on such loud makeup and dress to catch the maximum attention.

In order to get the best Emo makeup, you need to understand that it is the eye makeup that plays the major role. The eyes are highlighted in a certain style that grabs attention towards them. To start with, the makeup put on some moisturizer on your face for best results after cleaning it. Put some foundation on your face as it acts as the base of the entire makeup and gives a matt effect to your skin. Apply eye shadow on the upper eyelids and shades should be darker like a black or a brown color.

After that put some eyeliner to the bottom lashes as well as the top lashes. The liner should be applied thickly on both the eyelids to get the desired effect and lines should meet at the corner of your eyes and should be slanted upwards towards the temple. After all this you need to apply mascara which has to be a black shade and should be applied on both the upper and lower eye lashes so that you eyes look dramatic. Emo makeup is done to highlight the eyes, so it is advisable not to use any loud colored lip color; rather you should go for a nude shade, which will compliment your emo make up.
The older generation tends to get a shock when they hear about the Emo makeup. Nevertheless, this is a sort of lifestyle that is highly popular with the younger generation. The emo style is very loud as many people think that the people who are into this lifestyle have just the opposite personality in them. This is why they put on such loud makeup and dress to catch the maximum attention.
New Emo Hairstyle-Haircuts: Emo Make up
In order to get the best Emo makeup, you need to understand that it is the eye makeup that plays the major role. The eyes are highlighted in a certain style that grabs attention towards them. To start with, the makeup put on some moisturizer on your face for best results after cleaning it. Put some foundation on your face as it acts as the base of the entire makeup and gives a matt effect to your skin. Apply eye shadow on the upper eyelids and shades should be darker like a black or a brown color.
New Emo Hairstyle-Haircuts: Emo Eye
After that put some eyeliner to the bottom lashes as well as the top lashes. The liner should be applied thickly on both the eyelids to get the desired effect and lines should meet at the corner of your eyes and should be slanted upwards towards the temple. After all this you need to apply mascara which has to be a black shade and should be applied on both the upper and lower eye lashes so that you eyes look dramatic. Emo makeup is done to highlight the eyes, so it is advisable not to use any loud colored lip color; rather you should go for a nude shade, which will compliment your emo make up.
How To Get Hair Like Jordana Brewster

How To Get Hair Like Jordana Brewster
If you have seen Jordana Brewster on television or in any of her feature films, you will probably remember her lusciously styled hair. Jordana’s gorgeous, dark locks fall just below her shoulders. Her bangs are cut across her forehead, and her hair is slightly textured to fit the shape of her face. If you like the look of one-toned, straight, simple hair, than Jordana’s look is exactly what you need- and here is how you get it:
1. Detangle and smoothen hair before you get into the shower, then apply a moisturizing shampoo which will maximize the likelihood that your hair will turn out looking pin-straight. There are many “straightening” shampoos available for this purpose.
2. Do not shower in hot water, this can dry your hair out and make it less silky. Additionally, hot water will prevent the moisturizing shampoo from doing its job.
3. Finish your shower off with a cold splash of water into your hair. This will increase the overall shine of your hair.
4. Scrunch hair dry to avoid hair breakage. Never rub your hair with a towel!
5. Apply a shining serum, and use a flat brush while blow drying your hair in different sections. This will prevent you from missing any kinks in your hair, which can ruin your look completely.
6. After you are satisfied with the look of your hair, apply some anti-frizz serum. This will keep your hair looking light, silky, and smooth throughout the day. Additionally, anti-frizz serum is extremely important in hot weather because heat tends to make hair dry out and frizz up. So don’t forget your anti-frizz during those summer months!
Photo/PR Photos
Emo Hairstyles-New Fashion
Emo Hairstyles
Emo is totally a new fashion developed among the teenagers to make their persona amazing and elegant. The emo hairstyle varies for both boys and girls. While adopting the emo hairstyles both boys and girls do not have to follow any kind of dress code. In the emo hairstyles, style of the hair kept symmetrical with a jet black hair along with doing some crazy highlights.

The emo hairstyles make you look unique from others as it makes you look shaggy and spiky. You can also add hair glue and gel in your hair makes your hair look stiff and straight. While maintaining emo hairstyle you do no need the help of beautician or stylist. You just have to dye your hair and keeping them in front side of the face.

The emo hairstyles make the person look extremely attractive and appealing especially among the teenagers. Nowadays people are adopting the emo hairstyles on television as it becomes the latest style. The emo hairstyle mostly influenced by the deep and affluent colors. The emo hairstyle allows the individual to convert the white pale hairstyle from the traditional small mullet style.

Emo hairstyles are considered to be an easy way for symbolizing the individual distinctiveness. These types of haircuts look pretty and breezy on the young boys and girls. There are wide varieties available in emo hair styles; one can choose any of the styles according to the face shape, tone and texture of the hair. Emo hairstyle works best with the wardrobe. The common emo haircuts are short emo haircut, medium emo haircut that becomes very easy to adopt.
Emo is totally a new fashion developed among the teenagers to make their persona amazing and elegant. The emo hairstyle varies for both boys and girls. While adopting the emo hairstyles both boys and girls do not have to follow any kind of dress code. In the emo hairstyles, style of the hair kept symmetrical with a jet black hair along with doing some crazy highlights.
New Emo Hairstyles-Haircuts: Emo Girl
The emo hairstyles make you look unique from others as it makes you look shaggy and spiky. You can also add hair glue and gel in your hair makes your hair look stiff and straight. While maintaining emo hairstyle you do no need the help of beautician or stylist. You just have to dye your hair and keeping them in front side of the face.
New Emo Hairstyle-Haircuts: Emo Style
The emo hairstyles make the person look extremely attractive and appealing especially among the teenagers. Nowadays people are adopting the emo hairstyles on television as it becomes the latest style. The emo hairstyle mostly influenced by the deep and affluent colors. The emo hairstyle allows the individual to convert the white pale hairstyle from the traditional small mullet style.
New Emo Hairstyle-Haircuts: Cute Emo
Emo hairstyles are considered to be an easy way for symbolizing the individual distinctiveness. These types of haircuts look pretty and breezy on the young boys and girls. There are wide varieties available in emo hair styles; one can choose any of the styles according to the face shape, tone and texture of the hair. Emo hairstyle works best with the wardrobe. The common emo haircuts are short emo haircut, medium emo haircut that becomes very easy to adopt.
The Pros And Cons To Blow Drying
The Pros And Cons To Blow Drying
There are both pros and cons which come along with choosing to blow dry your hair rather than letting it air dry. Many people choose to blow dry their hair in moderation and letting it air-dry a few days out of the week. This is a great option as you can allow your hair time to recuperate from using a blow dryer.
It is no secret that using a blow dryer is by far the most convenient way of styling your hair. However, if you use a blow dryer too often, it can become very dangerous for your hair. You may have noticed on weeks where you have had to use a blow dryer more than usual that your hair begins to dry out. This is because excessive use of hair dryers causes damage and breakage which can become very difficult to repair.
If you decide to blow your hair dry on a daily basis, you must be sure to avoid blowing the hair dry when it is soaking wet. Not only will this take a very long time to dry, but you are unnecessarily prolonging the amount of time which you are applying damaging heat to your hair. Also, be sure to keep the hairdryer 6-8 feet away from your head at all times. Holding the dryer close to your head can severely dries out your hair, and you may even burn your scalp! Lastly, do not dry your hair all the way through. The best option is to stop using the blow dryer while your hair is still damp.
There are both pros and cons which come along with choosing to blow dry your hair rather than letting it air dry. Many people choose to blow dry their hair in moderation and letting it air-dry a few days out of the week. This is a great option as you can allow your hair time to recuperate from using a blow dryer.
It is no secret that using a blow dryer is by far the most convenient way of styling your hair. However, if you use a blow dryer too often, it can become very dangerous for your hair. You may have noticed on weeks where you have had to use a blow dryer more than usual that your hair begins to dry out. This is because excessive use of hair dryers causes damage and breakage which can become very difficult to repair.
If you decide to blow your hair dry on a daily basis, you must be sure to avoid blowing the hair dry when it is soaking wet. Not only will this take a very long time to dry, but you are unnecessarily prolonging the amount of time which you are applying damaging heat to your hair. Also, be sure to keep the hairdryer 6-8 feet away from your head at all times. Holding the dryer close to your head can severely dries out your hair, and you may even burn your scalp! Lastly, do not dry your hair all the way through. The best option is to stop using the blow dryer while your hair is still damp.
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